2025-2026 Board Member and Committee Interest

The Wolf Den PTSA thanks you for your interest in our Board.  It takes many exceptional volunteers to keep our PTSA running smoothly.  We greatly appreciate your willingness to participate.


Please select one or more of the positions below that you would be interested in.  Your information will be forwarded to the elected officers of the 2025-2026 Executive Board.  They will take all interested volunteers into consideration when selecting for each position.   


If you have questions or would like more information about the positions, please contact our Parliamentarian at Parliamentarian@wolfdenptsa.org.  She will be happy to help you.  


To be considered for any position, please submit this form by Tuesday, March 4, 2025.  Thank you!

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Executive Board Officers

Coordinate the work of the executive board and committee chairs. Presides at all meetings of the association, and represents the local unit as a delegate to council, State and National PTA.

1st VP - Programs
Act as Aide to the President and as a liaison to the Booster clubs; Plans membership meeting speakers; Coordinates the design and purchase of Blue Nation shirts and Market Days throughout the school year.

2nd VP - Volunteers
Organizes and coordinates all volunteer programs and/or activities. Maintains records of all volunteer hours.

3rd VP - Membership
Recruits PTA members, maintains current list of membership, and heads up the committee to select PTA Life Members.

4th VP - Ways and Means
Organizes and coordinates all fundraising activities and develops fundraising strategy.

Acts as custodian of all PTA funds, maintains all bank records and presents nancial statements, prepares tax return for year served. Also serves as chair of the budget committee.

Records minutes of all meetings, noties board members of upcoming meetings, keeps attendance records and maintains PTA oce supplies.

Advise chair on parliamentary matters; Coordinates yearly by-law review committee and nominating committee; Attends all PTA meetings

Standing Committee Chairs & Duties

Activity Program
coordinates the solicitation of sponsorships in activity program, collects payments, is responsible for the layout of the activity program and coordinates program sales with participating booster clubs (work intensive from May to August)

Arts In Education
schedule, plan and coordinate the Reflections program, submit entries to Council

Community Service Scholarships Chair
coordinates selection process and distribution of community service scholarships

Copy Room Coordinator
coordinate volunteers for the copy room at Plano West

Council Delegate
attend monthly meetings of the Plano ISD Council of PTAs and present a report at the subsequent Wolf Den meeting

Cultural Diversity
Support and encourage activities that promote cultural diversity.

Act as a resource for environmental education.

Jasper HS Liaison
attend Wolf Den meetings and serve as information liaison between the Wolf Den and Jasper HS.

Will be split into two positions next year. One will plan refreshments as determined by the board and recognize school staff, including Back to School Staff Luncheon, Winter Staff Luncheon, & End of Year Staff Luncheon. The other will be responsible for Teacher Appreciation Week such as mailbox goodies, a week of treats, the Holiday Treasure Chest, and a possible cookout.

Educate and inform parents and students about current legislation and election news; Meet with key legislators in Austin and lobby for public school funding; attend Plano ISD Board of Trustees meetings and report at subsequent Wolf Den PTSA meetings.

Shepton HS Liaison
attend Wolf Den meetings and serve as information liaison between Wolf Den and Shepton HS.

oversee & maintain website content; Maintains the PTSA Membership Toolkit forms; Works with Activity Program, Membership VP, and Parliamentarian to keep forms and information updated and accessible to PTSA members.

West After Prom
Will be split into two positions next year. Recommend a Senior Parent and a Junior Parent working together. One to coordinate the venue, establish the budget, food, theme, decorations, and tickets. The other to solicit door prizes, donations, activities, fundraising, and entertainment. Duties can be divided/coordinated between both Chairs.

Special Committee Chairs & Duties

Produces weekly PTSA newsletter; coordinates communications with website & social media chairs.

Senior Luncheon
coordinate the Senior Luncheon at end of the year

Senior Parking
This is split into two positions. One who coordinate sales of Senior Parking Spots with Plano West administration and One who supervise paint days and volunteers

Social Media
Maintains PTSA social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.; coordinates communications with website & newsletter chairs.

Staff Birthdays
coordinate monthly delivery of staff birthday treats

Staff Casserole Day
coordinate Staff Casserole Day with coordinates with Teacher Appreciation and PWSH Administration, traditionally held in May

Blue Nation Shirts
Handles ordering shirts, distribution to all students and faculty, and delivery of all orders made.

Senior PTSA Membership Yard Signs
Works with Membership ensuring all Senior Student PTSA members receive their yard sign